Staying in peak condition for athletes, or eliminating inflammation from fatigued muscle tissues in general means incorporating recovery as much as possible in our physical therapy and performance training sessions.
Give your body what it needs to recover faster, train harder, and feel better. Our services utilize the latest innovations and strategies to maximize impact, designed by our team of experts.
Custom Hands-on Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy your body needs
Customized manual treatments using all of our skills and tools - geared toward what you need the most.
An intensive 1-on-1 customized treatment session to address your injury and contributing factors - always based on your needs and sport/activity.
This is best utilized for patients who want to continue to get better after Physical Therapy, or athletes that are working to maintain peak condition during training or after competition.
Compression Therapy

Lower Body / Upper Body Compression Therapy
Compression therapy reduces swelling in the event of an injury, improves recovery from strenuous workouts and reduces the risk of delayed onset muscle soreness - so you can train at higher intensity with greater frequency. At One Nine, we utilize these tools as a part of your therapy treatment or as a supplement to your treatment or training protocol. We also offer these tools as a la carte services.
NormaTec compression boots and sleeves produce intermittent compression therapy for legs and shoulders. By alternating zones of compression, the boots and sleeves create a flushing effect to help the body clear lactic acid and other inflammation to reduce swelling and fatigue after a workout, while speeding up recovery time.
Cryotherapy + Compression
No tool is more potent at delivering these two recovery techniques in combination than Game Ready. One Nine is proud to utilize Game Ready in treatments and as an a-la-carte service.
The Game Ready is an ice + compression apparatus that focuses on a single joint or segment of the body to create deep tissue cooling with compression at the same time. This machine is used in nearly all professional sports and collegiate training rooms to aid in recovery, support therapy, and speed recovery for athletes.